Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January weather?

So nice to run yesterday in 37 degree sunny weather. January has been good for outdoor activities- I have walked, run twice, and kayaked in the last 5 days! I ran down Park Lake Road yesterday and it reminded me of my days working in Haslett when I would run in that area. Forgot how many hills that road has, but I need hill work so it was perfect. So glad to have my GPS watch when I run in different places.

Physical therapy evaluation yesterday with the expected results of foot issues, creaky knees, and IT band problems. For the IT band I need to roll it regularly- it's so awkward to use a foam roller on the outside of my leg but a rolling pin was suggested, so I will try that. That will add to my collection of weights, foam rollers, big exercise ball, small exercise ball, Pilates circle, and hand weights all crammed in my den!

Today is even nicer outside, but I need a day off from activities- though kayaking may be too tempting to resist after work-

1 comment:

  1. how about some ankle weights, makes your legs feel heavy with them but feels great when removed
