it took time to get off the ship, gather everything and make sure nothing was left behind, and board the correct bus for town. Some people on the trip were staying extra days in Buenos Aires and they were on a different flight, but the majority of us were planning to continue our trek home when we got to the Buenos Aires airport after our flight from Ushuaia, which would be a very long day but we were anxious to get home.
Bob, Truman, and I went to a coffee shop to get on their wireless, and even though I didn't want to know, I saw that I had 534 emails! I tried very hard not to look at them, since I would not have wireless again until Atlanta airport, about 24 hours away. Texting was reasonable as far as cost, so I was able to text a few people and make plans with my husband about meeting me in Detroit Saturday morning at 9am.
We did some tourist shopping and took photos at a fun mural
At the appointed hour we boarded the bus to go to the airport, only to make a detour back to the ship since one of the passengers realized she left her cell phone charging in her cabin! Two people went to look for it but could not find it, so we proceeded to the airport. It is a beautiful modern airport, not very big but nicely designed with lots of light wood and big windows
Our flight was delayed several hours and we spent quite a lot of time waiting in lines to see about getting a different flight from Buenos Aires since most of us were going to be very tight on time and trying to figure out alternative connections. As time went on people got more upsetm and it looked like the 14 of us on the flight to Atlanta would not make that connection. Since there were so many of us, and quite a few others in a similar situation, the Marathon Tours people were working on what could be done. We boarded, finally, not really knowing if we would make our connections or not. That was a stressful 3 hour flight!
We got to Buenos Aires too late to make our connection, just barely missing it. Fortunately a person from Aerolineas Argentina was waiting everyone and had it all figured out. The 14 going to Atlanta did not have another flight for 24 hours, so we received vouchers for a hotel, food, and a bus was hired to take us back into town and then to the airport the next day. The great thing about travelling with people who have all travelled so much is that we all accepted that we were not getting home soon and made the best of it. The not good thing is we had mostly dirty clothes and were tired and hungry, since it was about 9pm when we figured out what was going on.
We stayed at a hotel right near the big boulevard and in the middle of town. The hotel provided dinner for all of us, and a few of us went to a bar nearby after dinner, just because we had such a crazy day and figured we might as well enjoy another night in Argentina!
and Dave discovered the really big bottles of Stella!
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